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To Stop Debilitation

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We must begin with freedom

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Ascend to the highest standards

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Precisely Evaluate Performance

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Enrich the learning environment

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Teach People to Challenge

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Advance Human Capabilities

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Review and continuously improve

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The Human Empowerment Foundation


The Experts Development Foundation

Mahara is an independent, not for profit, human development organisation based in the UK. It was founded and is run by experts from a spectrum of professional specialities. It aims to help communities in developing nations to advance their levels of performance in areas that are pivotal to development; namely education, civil administration and the health sector.

At Mahara we believe that the best form of aid is to help people acquire enhanced skills, and to work to high professional standards; enabling them to contribute in a more balanced way towards true sustainable development, which is felt across society.

Mahara Foundation’s area of focus is the provision of programmes, which aim to edify and educate individuals in how to increase their capacity, improve their performance and reinforce the developmental impact of their occupational role.

Our Outlook

Capacity Impairment

Capacity Regainment

At Mahara we believe that the real power of human societies lies more in their intellectual and institutional capabilities than in their hard assets, such as raw materials, plant and products. These aptitudes are embodied in the cognitive and non-cognitive skills of individuals, which are collectively known as human capital.

In lopsided development, societies fail to acquire and/or maintain the necessary conditions for nurturing and protecting the constructive capabilities of individuals; causing atrophy, impairment, or suppression. More seriously, the protraction of lopsided development for extended periods of time debilitates the collective capacity of individuals, and accelerates the deterioration of human capital in society. Debilitation not only supresses or impairs constructive capabilities but it also nurtures obstructive ones, which then sustain lopsided development as part of a vicious circle. In such critical situations there ought to be an “imperative priority to stop debilitation” in order to begin the restoration of the collective capabilities of individuals’ in society.

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The Imperative Priority to Stop Debilitation

How Capacity Impairment Cripples Nations

In an increasingly globalised world nations can no longer remain insulated from competition or comparison. A growing body of evidence has shown that countries often referred to as ‘developing’ are in fact debilitating both economically, socially and intellectually. Despite troubling other parts of the world, debilitation is particularly pronounced in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), where the chasm between the region and the world’s advanced economies continues to widen. The underlying cause of this debilitation has been a protracted capacity impairment epidemic, which has diminished the capabilities of generations in the region. The only way to reverse this trend is via a carefully orchestrated capacity regainment process, aiming to emancipate individuals by empowering them with the tools necessary to freely advance their capacity. If education is fundamentally restructured to build and develop a balance of cognitive to non-cognitive skills rather mere formal certification, it could provide a reasonable place to begin this process. In the absence of a fundamental review however of the tenets and systems which have supported, favoured or ignored the capacity impairment epidemic, neither education nor anything else is likely to correct the tailspin.


Our Programmes

The Experts Development Foundation offers holistic remedial programmes for developing the skills and raising the performance of professionals in areas pivotal to development. These programmes are specially designed to address the disparities between advanced global standards of performance, and some of the behaviours common in less developed economies.

The Foundation has a number of programmes providing advanced training and knowledge transfer, each pursuing a holistic approach to developing skills. These programmes are carefully tailored to tackle knowledge and skill deficiencies that hinder individuals from reaching their full potential. We offer these programmes as a contribution to combating human capital challenges in less developed economies.

The Educators Empowerment Programme

The well-being and prosperity of societies is essentially dependent upon their human capital, which is embodied in the cognitive and non-cognitive capabilities of individuals. The implementation of egalitarian values in advanced economies has made their education systems enabling mechanisms, which provide individuals with equal opportunities to acquire valuable credentials independent of their beliefs, socio-economic backgrounds, or political orientations. On the contrary, in less-developed economies, this mechanism becomes impaired to differing degrees; which can cause debilitation of the collective capabilities of individuals’ and pauperization of the society’s human capital.

At Mahara, we believe that in lopsided development situations, education; as a structured enabling system, may represent a reasonable place to begin stopping capability debilitation, and improving the prospects of future generations. The education system, in modern societies, is supposed to equip individuals with knowledge and skills, that allow them to take part in social, economic, and political life; which also help them think logically and find innovative solutions to life challenges.

We also believe that reforming education systems, to take over such crucial task, firstly necessitates the “ascertainment of educators’ quality”. This is because, over decades, a large body of evidence from specialised studies and practical experiences, in many countries, has confirmed that the efficiency of education systems is primarily dependent upon the quality of educators, and not necessarily the level of expenditure on schooling infra-structure.

As a contribution to education reform efforts, The Experts Development Foundation has chosen the Middle East and North Africa to launch a holistic training programme. This programme is designed to empower educators in the pre-university schooling sector with the necessary skills to raise human capital, via education. To meet this target, Mahara Foundation experts formulated a system of advanced performance standards for educators termed the “Occupational Competency Standards for Educators in Schools [OCSES]”.

This system follows advanced international performance standards and selects the relevant indicators for evaluating the practical capabilities of educators in implementing the OCSES; whilst considering the circumstances of the region. Mahara experts also designed a holistic remedial programme to train educators in the implementation of the OCSES. This programme is termed the “Educators Empowerment Programme”.

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Occupational Competency Standards for Educators in Schools

Mahara Foundation experts developed a comprehensive set of 18 measures to assess the quality of educators in schools. These standards incorporate a series of key performance indicators which represent an inclusive system of evaluation, against which educators’ professional conduct can be assessed. These standards form a core part of the “Educators Empowerment Programme” which Mahara offers.

Evaluating Performance : Empowering Educators


1. Knowing and implementing the Laws and Pedagogical rules for Safeguarding Teachers’ Professional Conduct
2. Competence in Managing the Challenges of Bureaucracy
3. Observing Self-discipline and Adherence to Educators’ Occupational Competency Standards
4. A strong Commitment to Sustainable Personal Development and Raising the Occupational Competency
5. Competence in Implementing Safety Guidelines and School Maintenance Measures
6. Mastering Essential Teaching Skills
7. Mastering Approaches for Developing High-order Thinking Skills
8. Mastering Strategies for Developing Non-cognitive Skills
9. Identification of Learning Difficulties Amongst Students, and Dealing with Them Effectively
10. Mastering the Fundamental Skills Required for Teaching Special Needs Students
11. Mastering the Fundamental Skills required for Teaching Gifted and Talented Students
12. Mastering Classroom Management Skills
13. Mastering Time Management Skills
14. Developing the Skills to Utilise Learning Resources and Gain Benefit from Them
15. Supplementing Learning Sources with Available Teaching Technologies
16. Mastering Curricula Design Skills and Pedagogical Formulation
17.Mastering the Ability to Comprehensively Assess Students
18. Mastering Skills for Preparing Standardized Tests

No Education Reform Without the Ascertainment of Educators’ Quality

Practical studies have proven the impressive impact of teachers’ quality on student learning. Teachers near the top of the quality distribution can get an entire year’s worth of additional learning out of their students, compared to those near the bottom. That is, a good teacher will get a gain of 1.5 level equivalents while a bad teacher will get 0.5 for a single academic year. Furthermore, high quality teaching can actually offset a substantial portion of disadvantages related to domestic, economic and social circumstances. In other words, the quality of teachers has consistently proven to be the fundamental mainstay of schooling quality.


The Educators Empowerment Programme

We Invest In People